Penn graduate students interested in global health – the Center for Global Health is forming a multidisciplinary team of 5-6 students who will travel to and participate in the 2020 International Emory Global Health Case Competition!
What is the Emory Global Health Case Competition? It is a unique opportunity for students from multiple universities and disciplines to come together to learn about, develop, and recommend innovative solutions for a 21st century global health problem in competitive and collaborative environment. The competition culminates with presentations to an expert panel of judges, which evaluates the proposals and determines award winners. Winning presentations are typically those that present astutely synthesized, feasible, sustainable, and culturally appropriate solutions to the case problems. Each participating university sends a team comprised of four to six students, and at least three different schools from the university. The combination of disciplines does not matter so long as you have at least three different schools represented.
When is it? Friday, March 13 – Sunday, March 15, 2020.
Who can participate? You must currently be enrolled as a student in a degree-seeking program at Penn to apply for the Penn team. We intend to organize a cohesive and interdisciplinary group, so applicants must commit to attending and participating in team meetings leading up to the competition. We encourage interested graduate students from all schools to submit an application: Medical (MD, MPH), Nursing, Business, Vet, Law, Social Work, etc
Why should I apply? First off, the competition is fun! This is a rewarding and practical experience that lends itself well to any career. Also, it is fully funded- food and housing are provided by Emory and flights are reimbursed by the Center for Global Health. Winning teams will receive generous prize packages: 1st Place $6000, 2nd Place $3000, 3rd Place $1500, 4th Place $900, Honorable Mention $600, Participants’ Choice Award $600.
If you are interested in applying to be a member of the Penn team, please send your CV & Statement of Interest (500 words max) to Andie Yost at by December 13, 2019.

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