Position description: A postdoctoral researcher position is available in the laboratory of Dr. Sarah F. Andres at the Pape Family Pediatric Research Institute, Oregon Health and Science University, Portland, OR.
We are looking for an enthusiastic, highly motivated, and dedicated Ph.D. scientist who has experience with gastrointestinal biology, extracellular vesicles, or mouse models to join our team.
The postdoc will lead projects centered around novel mechanisms that enhance or reduce intestinal damage during the neonatal inflammatory disease necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC). Ongoing projects include defining therapeutic roles of human milk extracellular vesicles in the neonatal intestine and the use of novel genetic mouse models to delineate post-transcriptional regulation in early intestinal development and NEC.
The lab uses genetic mouse models, human patient samples, including novel 3D patient-derived enteroids, cutting-edge molecular biology, -omics approaches, and imaging techniques to answer critical questions.
In addition to scientific training, the postdoc will also receive personalized mentoring to advance their own career development including networking introductions, goal setting, leadership opportunities, further training in public speaking, project management, grant, and manuscript writing, and chances to review manuscripts and attend conferences.
Our research is highly translational with the ultimate aim of taking bench findings back to educate bedside treatments and practices. Successful candidates will be dynamic, self-starters with a doctoral degree. Strong communication, organizational skills, and the ability to think critically are essential.
External link: https://postdoctoral-ohsu.icims.com/jobs/26248/post-doctoral-scholar/job?mode=view
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