JRNLclub is a new video platform allowing scientists to watch videos on new scientific literature. Critical to the success of scientific discovery is the ability for researchers to understand and build upon new discoveries, but with nearly 1 million new biomedical publications annually, this is often a difficult endeavor. By publishing short engaging talks by authors of recent research articles, they facilitate the dissemination of science and help researchers stay up to date on the scientific literature. They have published well over 100 videos from renowned labs around the world (including from the Brian Capell, Virginia Lee, Celeste Simon, Katalin Susztak, and Greg Beatty labs at Penn) and were recently approved by US National Library of Medicine to put our resource on PubMed such that articles with a corresponding video on JRNLclub will have a direct link to the video. Website: www.JRNLclub.org
Also note that JRNclub is actively recruiting video submissions for upcoming publications or those published in the last year. For more information, contact Victoria.Fang@Pennmedicine.upenn.edu.