Becoming a Resilient Scientist: Setting Reasonable Expectations and Healthy Boundaries for Ourselves and with Our Supervisors
Apr 01, 2020 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Speaker(s): Sharon Milgram, PhD, Director, OITE
Being a scientist requires a tremendous amount of resilience – experiments fail, papers get rejected, we struggle to communicate effectively with our supervisors and peers, and establishing healthy work-life boundaries can be a challenge, even in good times. These challenges are amplified greatly during this current crisis where we are bombarded by stressful news and have to make major adjustments to the ways we can and cannot do work. Join Dr. Sharon Milgram, Director NIH OITE, for a workshop focused broadly on resilience in research environments with a special focus on topics that are an especially challenging now. Topics to be addressed include, setting expectations and responding to the expectations of others, staying focused when teleworking, dealing with career-related anxieties, and strategies for building our resilience for now and in the long-term.