The Penn Science Policy and Diplomacy Group has two exciting events next Tuesday September 17, 2019.
- Science Communication Workshop (1 of 8) – Tuesday, Sept. 17 – 12:15 – 1:45 PM – Scientific Story telling with Rafael Luna author of The Art of Scientific Storytelling: Transform Your Research Manuscript using a Step-By-Step Formula.
RSVP link:
Location: JMEC 516 EW (5th floor of Smilow Center for Translation Research, West Pavilion)
We are excited to bring to you a SERIES of science communication workshops, brought to you by PSPDG and CAMB. Those who complete 5 out of the 8 workshops offered throughout the 2019-2020 academic year will receive a certificate. For more information about upcoming events see:

- General Meeting/Kick-off Happy Hour – Tuesday, Sept 17 – 5:30 PM – Free pizza and beer anyone? Come see what PSPDG is all about. Get information on our current and future projects, and get access to lovely people to help you navigate what a career in science policy/diplomacy looks like. Bring a friend, grab a beer, and play some ping pong with us.
Directions: Located in Johnson Foundation Library on the 2nd Floor Anatomy-Chemistry Building. (Enter through 418 Guardian, up the stairs, turn left through doors labeled Biochemistry & Biophysics)