And now for something different! The next session in the BGS Professional Skills Series is, ‘Philanthropy & Fundraising.’ It will be led by Torren Blair, Senior Director of Development, Basic Science and Translational Science Programs, and Megan Osvath, Associate Director of Development for Biomedical Research on March 26, 2019 from 4-5 PM in the Barchi Library (140 John Morgan Building.)
For most, the talk will be a revelation, and certainly useful. Philanthropy and other forms of fundraising are central to the growth of institutions such as Penn, but they are relevant as well to numerous, smaller spheres of nonprofit activity. Importantly, these activities embrace a number of skills relevant to a variety of pursuits: valuation of what we do, how to communicate with the public, creating win-win situations, and teamwork. Please join Torren and Megan as they describe the objectives and skills required in a behind-the-scenes look at how these activities are conducted at Penn.
Light refreshments will be served!
Please register here by March 22, 2019:
If you have any questions, please contact Rebecca Lopez.

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