Eliksa Therapeutics – Research Positions
Check out two new research job openings at Eliksa Therapeutics, a venture-backed biotech with 6 clinical trials and 180+ patients recruited, led by BGS alum Armen Karamanian!
Vanderbilt University – Destination Biochemistry Postdoctoral Awards
The Department of Biochemistry at the Vanderbilt University School of Medicine Basic Sciences recently announced two new annual awards for incoming postdoctoral scholars called the Destination Biochemistry Postdoctoral Scholar Awards.

Vanderbilt’s Department of Biochemistry is the top NIH-funded biochemistry department in the United States. It contains a diverse group of scientists, trainees, and staff dedicated to understanding biological mechanisms through fundamental research in biochemistry, cell biology, genetics, structural biology, mass spectrometry, and chemical biology to biomedical topics that include DNA and RNA metabolism, enzymology, molecular cancer biology, molecular virology, cell signaling, protein misfolding diseases, and toxicology. You can learn more about the department and why it is a destination internationally on the Basic Sciences website.
The early-stage scholar awards will provide a competitive stipend with benefits, plus a supplement of $10,000/year and a signing bonus of $5,000. The next deadlines for early-stage applications are June 1 and October 1. Applicants from backgrounds underrepresented in science are strongly encouraged to apply. For more information about the Destination Biochemistry Postdoctoral Scholar Awards, including how to apply, please visit the award website.
If you have any questions, please email
Columbia University Irving Medical Center – Rising Star Postdoctoral Recruitment
Columbia Medical School is currently cluster recruiting postdocs in their Rising Stars program, which supports those who are underrepresented in the biomedical sciences and features tailored mentoring during their postdoctoral training. On October 12-14, they will be hosting an all-expenses paid Rising Star Postdoc Recruitment event. Applications are due by August 1, 2022 as a single pdf file to Dr. Sandra Ryeom ( Please see below for more details and application requirements.
Expanded Job Search Prep Camp for Doctoral Students & Postdocs
Presented by Career Services | co-sponsored by the Graduate Student Center
All workshops and panels will be hosted virtually on Zoom
6-10th June, 2022
We invite all doctoral students and postdocs at Penn to a series of virtual workshops and recruiter panel discussions in June to learn about approaches to exploring a diversity of career options beyond the faculty path. This series of programs covers the full spectrum of the job search process, from exploration to negotiation, and can provide you with a solid foundation for your career development next steps – no matter where you are in the process.
All of the virtual workshops will be recorded, and will be posted on the Penn Career Services YouTube channel after the series. The panel discussions will also be virtual, but will not be recorded, and so please try to make room on your schedule for these events if you are interested in the topics.
To view our pre-existing video content specific to graduate students and postdocs, please visit the Penn Career Services YouTube channel (, and make sure to subscribe to get alerts when new content is posted.
Please see the flyer for the complete schedule listed below:
Broad Institute – Postdoctoral Associate
Stuart Schreiber at the Broad Institute is looking for a highly motivated and independent synthetic chemist and/or chemical biologist interested in using modern asymmetric DNA-compatible chemistry and to develop DNA-encoded library screening techniques to discover molecular glues and bifunctional compounds. The successful candidate will be part of a multidisciplinary team that drives innovation to solve challenges in therapeutic discovery.
Please find more details and apply here: