Please find the most recent Postdoctoral Fellow opportunities at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory. For any students or alumni who’d like to be considered, the flyer includes a link to a Postdoctoral Fellow Careers Page where you can create an account and apply directly to the opening. You may contact Jessica Toner afterwards, who would be happy to send the application to the PI for consideration.
PSPDG Scientific Communication Workshop Series – Podcast Workshop
The Penn Science Policy and Diplomacy Group’s Science Communication workshop series continues next week with a workshop on creating your own podcasts. The workshop will be held virtually on Thursday, March 17th from 3pm to 5pm. We are excited to welcome Seth Shostak, one of the hosts of the podcast Big Picture Science. Seth is also a senior astronomer at the SETI Institute and he has played multiple roles in TV series and documentaries.
Register for the workshop here through EventBrite. To stay in touch about updates for this and other science communication workshops, join our Slack Channel or sign up for email updates through this Google Form.
Please be advised that this is an interactive workshop. This workshop is the fifth in a series of 7 to be offered by PSPDG throughout this academic year. Participants that complete 5 of 7 workshops and accompanying homework exercises will be awarded a Science Communication Certificate that can be added to a Resume or CV.

Open Positions for Senior Lab Manager, Research Specialist, and Bioinformatics Specialist – Minn Lab, University of Pennsylvania
The Minn Lab ( seeks highly motivated applicants for Senior Lab Manager, Research Specialist A/B, and Bioinformatics Specialist positions. The research lab is focused on cancer and cancer immunotherapy and is involved in work that spans experimental laboratory studies with animal models to translational studies from human clinical trials.
For the lab manager position, we seek applicants with strong interpersonal, organizational, and experimental skills who are familiar with ensuring the smooth daily operations of an academic research laboratory. Besides a comprehensive skillset based on prior experience, eagerness to unlearn old approaches and learn new techniques, a willingness to step outside of comfort zones, and an unrelenting desire to continuously improve and modernize are essential. Another critical responsibility is to ensure high standards of professionalism and to promote a culture of support and teamwork so all in the lab can thrive.
For the Research Specialist A/B position, this individual will primarily assist senior personnel in executing laboratory-based experiments that include various in vitro and in vivo assays, experiments using mouse models, functional genomic screens, and high-dimensional cancer and immune cell profiling. Experience in data analysis and visualization using R and/or Python, and various Bioconductor pipelines is a plus. The candidate should be willing to work as part of a team, particularly in the beginning, but also individually in order to develop a high level of independence.
For the Bioinformatics Specialist, project goals will involve understanding disease mechanisms and/or efficacy of novel therapeutic approaches using both pre-clinical and clinical data. This individual will be primarily responsible for detailed data analysis of medium and large-scale data sets derived from functional genomic screens, various high-throughput sequencing methods, single-cell technologies, and other multi-ome assays. Familiarity with multiple programming languages such as R and Python, common analysis pipelines for genomics and/or single-cell data, databases, statistics and machine learning, and effective data visualization methods are a must. Some wet-lab experience is a plus.
Please contact for more details.
Recruiting Volunteers for SEA Spring Session
West Philly-based non-profit Science Education Academy ( is looking for graduate students and postdoc volunteers to lead students in grades 2-5 in hands-on STEM activities in March and April.
- Saturday, March 12th (virtual)
- Saturday, March 19th (hybrid virtual + in-person) * Volunteers needed
- Saturday, March 26th (hybrid virtual + in-person) * Volunteers needed
- Saturday, April 1st (hybrid virtual + in-person) * Volunteers needed
- Saturday, April 9th (virtual) * Volunteer needed
All programs will start at 9:00am EST. Virtual programs will be 1-hour long. Hybrid sessions will be 2.5 hours total. Further details will be given closer to event date, including whether on-going COVID health precautions will change in-person program plans.
If you are interested in being a classroom facilitator on 3/19, 3/26 and/or 4/1, please email with the subject line: “Spring 2022 Volunteer” with the date(s) you are able to participate.
If you are interested in giving a Science Pop Talk about your research on 4/9, please email with the subject line “Spring 2022 Pop Talk”.

BGSA Career Application “How-to” Series
BGSA will be holding a virtual career application series that features four 1-hr sessions, each dedicated to a specific career path.
BGS alumni panelists will present and reflect on the applications process in their fields. They will share experiences and perspective, in addition to tips and advice they’ve picked up along the way. The remaining time will be used for Q&A.
Please sign up for any session(s) that are of interest to you. There will be time for questions during the events, but feel free to include any here, and we will do our best to make sure they are asked! We hope you will attend!

Postdoctoral Positions at Columbia University
Postdoctoral positions are available in Alberto Ciccia’s laboratory in the Department of Genetics and Development at Columbia University Irving Medical Center. The Ciccia laboratory investigates 1) the molecular mechanisms that maintain genomic stability to suppress cancer development and regulate chemotherapy and immunotherapy responses (Taglialatela A et al, Molecular Cell, 2021; Huang JW et al, Nature Communications, 2020; Joseph SA et al, DNA Repair, 2020; Taglialatela A et al, Molecular Cell, 2017); 2) the function of nucleotide variants in DNA repair genes using innovative base editing screens (Cuella-Martin R et al, Cell, 2021; Hayward SB and Ciccia A, Current Opinion in Genetics and Development, 2021); 3) the interplay between DNA repair and genome editing (Nambiar TS et al, Molecular Cell, 2022; Nambiar TS et al, Nature Communications, 2019); and develops 4) novel methods for precision genome editing (Billon P et al, Cell Reports, 2020; Billon P et al, Molecular Cell, 2017). More information can be found at
Interested candidates with Ph.D., M.D. or equivalent degrees are encouraged to apply by MARCH 30, 2022. Experience in molecular and cell biology, genetics or computational biology, and first-author publications are preferred.
To apply for this position, please submit a cover letter describing research experience and interests, CV and contact information of three references to:
Alberto Ciccia
Associate Professor
Department of Genetics and Development
Irving Cancer Research Center
Columbia University Irving Medical Center