The Vertex Fellows Program is a one-year development program for outstanding early-career scientists to learn about the industry. Our Fellows are embedded in our research teams, receive mentorship from senior leaders and learn – both formally and experientially – about the science and business of drug discovery and development, providing a unique opportunity to explore while contributing to real-world projects at Vertex. This is not a hiring program.
Vertex Fellows Information and Link to Apply
The VPI Program is a 2-year, rotation-based, hiring program for physician-scientists committed to making a lasting impact in the industry. Each Physician Investigator will receive mentorship from senior leaders at Vertex and be embedded in existing teams for 4 six-month rotations, which include drug discovery, translational medicine, clinical development, commercial operations, and business development. Upon completion of their 2-year training, participants can advance into a mutually agreed upon permanent role at Vertex.
Vertex Physician Investigator Program Information and Link to Apply
Applications for both programs are due by January 12, 2024.
If potential applicants have any questions about the programs, please contact Shaoyu Chang ( and Dennis Grabowski (
Andres Lab Postdoctoral Scholar Position
Position description: A postdoctoral researcher position is available in the laboratory of Dr. Sarah F. Andres at the Pape Family Pediatric Research Institute, Oregon Health and Science University, Portland, OR.
We are looking for an enthusiastic, highly motivated, and dedicated Ph.D. scientist who has experience with gastrointestinal biology, extracellular vesicles, or mouse models to join our team.
The postdoc will lead projects centered around novel mechanisms that enhance or reduce intestinal damage during the neonatal inflammatory disease necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC). Ongoing projects include defining therapeutic roles of human milk extracellular vesicles in the neonatal intestine and the use of novel genetic mouse models to delineate post-transcriptional regulation in early intestinal development and NEC.
The lab uses genetic mouse models, human patient samples, including novel 3D patient-derived enteroids, cutting-edge molecular biology, -omics approaches, and imaging techniques to answer critical questions.
In addition to scientific training, the postdoc will also receive personalized mentoring to advance their own career development including networking introductions, goal setting, leadership opportunities, further training in public speaking, project management, grant, and manuscript writing, and chances to review manuscripts and attend conferences.
Our research is highly translational with the ultimate aim of taking bench findings back to educate bedside treatments and practices. Successful candidates will be dynamic, self-starters with a doctoral degree. Strong communication, organizational skills, and the ability to think critically are essential.
External link:
Career Pathways Alumni Panel & Mixer
Discover the limitless career opportunities awaiting you with a graduate degree! We invite you to be a part of our engaging Penn Alumni Career Pathways Series, designed to inspire your professional growth, foster valuable connections, and demystify the exciting journey that awaits you as a graduate student.
At this event, we’re putting a spotlight on the dynamic world of STEM-related fields. However, we extend a warm welcome to all graduate students, regardless of your academic background!

Join us for an enlightening panel discussion featuring accomplished Penn alumni who have harnessed the power of their graduate degrees in their current occupations. From the thrilling realms of biotech and pharmaceuticals to the ever-evolving landscape of consulting firms and innovative startups, our panelists will share their unique career journeys.
Some of the panelists include:
- Leah Suttner (Associate Principal Scientist, Merck)
- Gleb Bazilevsky (Senior Investigator of Protein Production, Aro Biotherapeutics)
- Kerra Henkin (Public Health Program Manager, Penn Medicine)
Keep a lookout for additional panelists!
Following the panel discussion, join us for a mixer. Food and drinks will be provided!
Come, broaden your horizons, and embrace the wealth of career possibilities that await you.
Date: Oct 25th, 2023
Time: 4-5 PM:- Panel; 5-7 PM:- Networking Event
Location: Ben Franklin Room (Panel) and Golkin Room (Networking), Houston Hall
Please register here:
Graduate Career Skills Series
Graduate Career Skills Series
October 23-27
Career Services is partnering with The Graduate Student Center and GAPSA for this weeklong set of career related programs hosted exclusively for graduate students and postdocs as they explore their career and professional interests.
Virtual programs include:
- Resume crafting for graduate students
- How to have your resume rise above applicant tracking software
- Leveraging LinkedIn
- Unlocking the Penn alumni network
- Industry dialogue on careers in government
- Navigating your master’s program with purpose: How to set 5 professional goals
- Utilizing AI in your job search
- E-learning platforms for PhDs and master’s students
- Social impact careers alumni panel
- Job search strategies for international students
- Q&A for international students with ISSS
In-person programs include:
- LinkedIn Lab
- GAPSA STEM alumni panel and mixer
Complete program information, including registration, can be found here.
Career Paths Mentoring Program 2023-2024
Sign ups for this year’s BGS Career Paths Mentoring Program are now open! Any BGS alumni who is interested in mentoring and giving career advice to current students is encouraged to join. Time commitment is just 8-14 hours over the course of the program (November-April). The sign up and more information can be found here or in the document below!
APHL Fellowship Opportunities
The Association of Public Health Laboratories (APHL) and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) are seeking degreed applicants who are interested in starting or furthering an exciting new career in laboratory science while working collaboratively with industry leaders and developing professional networks. The fellowship program is open to those who have completed at minimum their undergraduate degree. The duration of the fellowship is one year with the option to extend to a second year. Fellows will be placed with a mentor at one of our member laboratories once they have been matched via the application process. Fellows are placed at various member laboratories across the country with exposure to program areas such as newborn screening, infectious disease, food safety, environmental science, bioinformatics and more! The competitive benefit package includes a generous stipend, funding towards relocation assistance, professional development, and a separate allocation for medical benefit coverage.
Please see the flyer below for more details!