Wrapping up a research paper, thesis, or dissertation? Penn Libraries is offering a final round of online workshops for citation management. Register here.
Weds 5/13: Zotero
Thurs 5/14: Mendeley
Fri 5/15: Advanced Tools & Techniques
Wrapping up a research paper, thesis, or dissertation? Penn Libraries is offering a final round of online workshops for citation management. Register here.
Weds 5/13: Zotero
Thurs 5/14: Mendeley
Fri 5/15: Advanced Tools & Techniques
Tue, May 26, 2020, 12:00 PM EDT
Do you have data you want to share with the world, but get stuck whenever you leave PowerPoint? Want to create better figures for posters and publications? On May 26, Lexi Voss, Visualizationist for the Penn Biomedical Library, will walk you through the basics of Adobe Illustrator and get you on the path to professional diagrams and figures. Registration is required to receive workshop materials.
The National Institute of General Medical Sciences has announced a new webinar series for students, postdocs, and faculty. Each hour-long webinar will include a 10- to 15-minute presentation by the speaker followed by a moderated question and answer session. Upcoming sessions include:
Entrepreneurship and Careers in the Biotechnology Industry
Monday, May 4, 2:00-3:00 p.m. ET
Moving Away from the Scientific Pack in Your Research
Tuesday, May 5, 1:00-2:00 p.m. ET
See the full schedule and webinar login information here.
Informational Interviews: What? How? Why?
MONDAY May 4, 3:00 – 4:00 pm EDT
Speaker, Amanda Langer, NCC, OITE Career Counselor
While focusing on networking generally, this workshop will specifically outline steps you can take to begin conducting informational interviews now. These networking conversations can be an effective research tool and often help give you the most current and specific information about a field. Come learn tips on how to get the most out of your informational interviews!
Managing Up to Maximize Mentoring Relationships
WEDNESDAY May 6, 2:00 – 4:00
Speaker, Sharon Milgram, Director NIH OITE
This workshop will explore the relationship between trainees and research mentors/supervisors with the goal of providing strategies for improving communication and interpersonal interactions. The workshop will help participants clarify what they need from their supervisors and mentors and how to ensure that they get what they need.
NIH Career Symposium
FRIDAY May 8, noon – 5 pm
The 13th annual NIH OITE Career Symposium is still happening, albeit on-line. There will be panels, taped interviews, and Twitter chats focused on a variety of career paths in all sectors. For more information and to register: https://www.training.nih.gov/events/view/_2/2823/13th_Annual_NIH_Career_Symposium
Springer has released 65 Machine Learning and Data books for free, including some which cover programming languages such as Python, R, and MATLAB. See the full list here.
Essential Leadership Skills for Scientists
Apr 27, 2020 3:00 pm – 5:00 pm
Register here. Gain leadership skills as a scientist. We will discuss understanding yourself and how you relate to others. Good communication skills and developing your emotional intelligence. Speaker, Dr. Sharon Milgram
CVs, Resumes, and cover letters: Essential Job Search Documents
Apr 30, 2020 4:00 pm – 5:00 pm
Register here. This workshop will highlight the critical elements and structure of CVs and resumes and cover letters. These important job documents serve as the foundation for all job searches, and knowing how to create them based on the employment sector and published position description is essential. Speaker, Dr. Lori Conlan
Pre-/post-publication peer review
May 01, 2020 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm
Register here. Pre-/post-publication peer review: You do a study, you write up the paper, and then you publish it. That’s it, right? Not so fast: peer review has always been a recurring step in the scientific process, but methods to do so are even more widespread than ever. We will talk about benefits and challenges of using preprint sites like bioRxiv, and the wide world of peer-reviewed feedback after publishing your manuscript. Speaker, Dr. Chris Gunter