The PhD Career Exploration Fellowship (formerly the PhD Externship) program encourages non-faculty career exploration among doctoral students by facilitating shadowing experiences and fostering mentorship relationships with advanced-degree holding professionals. This unpaid opportunity allows doctoral students to gain hands-on, real-world career experience in administrative offices, libraries, pharmaceuticals, museums, science outreach, and other centers on Penn’s campus and in the Philadelphia area. Students can use this experience to cultivate a stronger professional profile and to develop career-readiness competencies and administrative skills in preparation for a range of careers.
The program was created in 2017 to help meet the need for career development among doctoral students interested in pursuing non-faculty tracks. In 2019, 26 PhD students participated in opportunities across 20 organizations both within and beyond the university to support an array of career interests.
The application deadline is Thursday, January 30, 2020. All applications will be through Handshake at this link:
If you have any questions about this program, please contact Career Services’ PhD Professionalism Fellow, Kate Webb (