Can you describe your research in 20 words or less? The Jaleco Project is now accepting applications for their #SciCommChallenge!
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Can you describe your research in 20 words or less? The Jaleco Project is now accepting applications for their #SciCommChallenge!
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BGS students are invited to attend an information session about the different certificate programs available to them. These programs provide a valuable opportunity to pursue specialized scientific and professional interests.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
2:00 – 3:30 PM
Smilow 08-146 AB (3400 Civic Center Boulevard)
Please register here:
Please note: This information session will cover a selection of the certificate options available to BGS students. To see a full list of certificate options, visit the BGS website.
Applications are now open for the 2020 HTRS Student Research Awards (SRA), an 8- to 10-week program for medical, PhD, MD/PhD, or PharmD students working on targeted research projects in hemostasis and thrombosis. Proposed projects may be lab-based, clinical or epidemiologic in design. The program includes a $5,000 award stipend plus a $2,000 travel allowance, collaboration with a research mentor, and a presentation at a 2021 professional meeting. Applications are now open. The application deadline is March 2, 2020. Up to three fellowships will be awarded. For more details, see the Request for Applications.
To apply, please visit
SRA Mentors Needed
As part of the Student Research Award Program, students are paired with research mentors. Responsibilities include assisting the applicant with the development of a research project plan, and then if the applicant is successful, overseeing the research project and providing career guidance and support. Mentors/labs receive a $1,000 stipend. If you are willing to serve as a mentor, please email Terri Holzen,, at your earliest convenience, and include your research area (platelets, coagulation & fibrinolysis, vascular biology, thrombotic or hemorrhagic disorders) and whether your focus is clinical, basic, translational, epidemiology or public health. To learn more about mentor eligibility and responsibilities, please see the Request for Applications.
Have questions about Science Policy Fellowships? Ask Penn Alumni who have gone through the fellowships themselves. Dr. Lianna Viccari (CBE PhD) received the Mirazayan Science & Technology Policy Fellowship and is currently a Science & Politics Fellow at the Eagleton Institute of Policy. Dr. Chris Yarosh (BMB PhD) did the AAAS S&TP fellowship & was a Science Policy Fellow at ACS for 2 years.
Date: November 5, 2019
Time: 1 – 2 PM
Location: Smilow 10-146AB
Join SACNAS for the second part of their seminar series. They will share advice on how to prepare scientific posters, as led by Lindsay Roth, PGG PhD candidate and 2019-2020 Chair of BGSA, and a PhD student panel. Lunch will be provided! Co-organized with BGSA and PGWISE.
Monday, October 28, 4:30-6:00 PM
Grad Center Room 305
The “hidden curriculum” encompasses the knowledge and skills needed for academic success that are not explicitly taught. This graduate student panel will discuss and unpack the hidden curriculum in graduate school. We will focus on identifying skills and knowledge needed for success and strategies for navigating academia.
Register in advance at