The Penn Science Policy and Diplomacy Group’s Science Communication workshop series continues next week with a workshop on creating your own podcasts. The workshop will be held virtually on Thursday, March 17th from 3pm to 5pm. We are excited to welcome Seth Shostak, one of the hosts of the podcast Big Picture Science. Seth is also a senior astronomer at the SETI Institute and he has played multiple roles in TV series and documentaries.
Register for the workshop here through EventBrite. To stay in touch about updates for this and other science communication workshops, join our Slack Channel or sign up for email updates through this Google Form.
Please be advised that this is an interactive workshop. This workshop is the fifth in a series of 7 to be offered by PSPDG throughout this academic year. Participants that complete 5 of 7 workshops and accompanying homework exercises will be awarded a Science Communication Certificate that can be added to a Resume or CV.