This article shares a conversation between Nature Careers and Joshua Weiss – negotiation expert and a senior fellow of the Program on Negotiation at Harvard Law School. Whether in academia, industry, or elsewhere, it’s important to negotiate with prospective employers. However, perceptions of a power imbalance may make it difficult to do so. Weiss explains:
People also tend to focus on worst-case scenarios—to think that they’ll lose the postdoc, or harm the relationship, if they negotiate. But when you’re in that situation, it’s important to remember that they made an offer to you. They’re sitting with you for a reason. They’re not sitting with the other 50 candidates; they’re sitting with you. We tend not to remind ourselves of those things, to remind ourselves of our own worth.
Katie Langin, Science
The interview also covers broad negotiation concepts, tips, and pitfalls to avoid. Read more here.
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