Dear SOM students,
The University of Pennsylvania Division of Student Engagement is seeking 100 current Penn graduate and professional students who are interested in serving this summer as graduate assistants (GAs) for the Penn Rising Senior Summer Academy (PennRSSA), an adaptive, pioneering new program serving rising seniors attending public and public charter high schools in the School District of Philadelphia. There is a $2,000 stipend for GAs as well as the training and support needed to mentor local high school students. Please see the attached flyer for more information. Applications are now being accepted.
If becoming a GA isn’t possible for you, we are also looking for medical and graduate students who would like to do one-time presentations and be part of panels focused on medicine and research related careers. If interested, please contact Dr. Jamie Shuda, Director of Outreach and Education at the SOM’s Institute for Regenerative Medicine at jshuda@sas.upenn.edu by Friday, June 5th.
We appreciate your willingness to educate and inspire the students in Penn’s own backyard!
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