Interested in gaining real life consulting experience? Want to learn more about consulting and the healthcare industry?
When: Thursday, September 12th 2019 from 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm
Where: Jon M. Huntsman Hall, Room 350, 3730 Walnut St
Join Penn Biotech Group Healthcare Consulting at the Fall Kickoff for:
–An intro to the consulting career path
–An overview of PBG, including what we do and how to apply for projects
–Grab food and then drinks at our kickoff happy hour (location TBD)
–Network with fellow PBG members
–For more information about PBG, visit our website at pbgconsulting.org
–No business/consulting experience necessary
If you cannot make it to the kickoff, please sign up for our email list at
tinyurl.com/PBGnews and we’ll be sure to include you in communications going forward about signing up for project teams.
Become a PBG member: tinyurl.com/PBGmember.
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