Do you like free food from Hummus and Insomnia Cookies? Prizes that are worth over $1,200? Then sign up for the Pop Talks Competition Monday, November 25th from 6:30-8pm in Berger Auditorium in Skirkanich Hall!
Competitors will give 60 second talks about their research without using any scientific jargon. All master’s students, PhD students and postdocs in STEM are eligible to compete. A panel of faculty judges will select a winner from each category (chemistry, physics, biology, engineering) as well as an overall judge’s choice winner. The audience will vote for the audience choice winner.
Reserve your spot now, only 25 students can compete!
Not competing? Have friends who want to watch you deliver your talk on the big stage? We encourage anyone who wants to spectate to come out and watch (free dinner for the audience as well)!
See you there!
Women in Chemistry, Professional Advancement Committee
This event is co-sponsored by SASGov, BGSA, GSEG, and GAPSA IPF Funding.
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