Scientists are excellent at making
judgment calls based on primary evidence. We do it every day when we read papers
and incorporate new findings into our experiments or review a study and think
“That experiment wasn’t well controlled at all!”. These skills are
worth their weight in gold in the halls of Congress, the PA State Capitol, and
City Hall. What scientists need, though, is the ability to translate that into
a form that policymakers can use when they’re writing laws. That’s where
PSPDG’s 2020 Science Policy programming comes in!
Join PSPDG, winners of the national 2019 NSPN-JSPG
Memo Competition, as we discuss the currency of the policymaking world: policy
memos. We’ll explain what they are, how
they work, how to make one, and how to make it as effective and useful as
possible! We’ll go over examples and guide participants in group exercises.
Interested participants are encouraged to join a small memo-writing team
afterwards to participate in the 2020 NSPN-JSPG competition with mentoring from
our award-winning 2019 team.
Workshop held in BRB 253 (Biomedical Research
Building II/III, 421 Curie Boulevard, Philadelphia, PA 19104) Tuesday, February
18th, from 12pm-1:30pm.
Food will be served! Feel free to come with your own policy memo topic ideas; we’re also happy to provide examples. Please RSVP:

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