West Philly-based non-profit Science Education Academy (www.scienceeducationacademy.com) is looking for graduate students and postdoc volunteers to lead students in grades 2-5 in hands-on STEM activities in March and April.
- Saturday, March 12th (virtual)
- Saturday, March 19th (hybrid virtual + in-person) * Volunteers needed
- Saturday, March 26th (hybrid virtual + in-person) * Volunteers needed
- Saturday, April 1st (hybrid virtual + in-person) * Volunteers needed
- Saturday, April 9th (virtual) * Volunteer needed
All programs will start at 9:00am EST. Virtual programs will be 1-hour long. Hybrid sessions will be 2.5 hours total. Further details will be given closer to event date, including whether on-going COVID health precautions will change in-person program plans.
If you are interested in being a classroom facilitator on 3/19, 3/26 and/or 4/1, please email sea.philly2008@gmail.com with the subject line: “Spring 2022 Volunteer” with the date(s) you are able to participate.
If you are interested in giving a Science Pop Talk about your research on 4/9, please email sea.philly2008@gmail.com with the subject line “Spring 2022 Pop Talk”.

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