Teaching Students to do Research in STEM
Katerina Placek, CTL Graduate Fellow, Neuroscience
A key part of undergraduate university education in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) is firsthand experience in experimental research. TAs, teachers, and mentors can guide effective undergraduate experimental research experiences (e.g. for an Honor’s thesis) that convey the value of STEM research and impart students with lifelong skills. In this interactive workshop, participants will learn to connect day-to-day student activity on a research project with student development of broader skills in critical thinking, discipline and professionalism, and creative problem-solving.
March 13, 2019 – 5:00-6:30 PM
CTL/OLI Conference Room – 133 Van Pelt Library
RSVP here.
Contact Katerina Placek for further information.
Balancing Teaching and Research in the Sciences: A Panel Discussion with Drs. Masha Lester, Andrea Liu, and David Raizen
Convened by: Phoebe Askelson (Chemistry) and Katerina Placek (Neuroscience), CTL Graduate Fellows
Faculty positions in academic science challenge individuals to balance time and effort between instructing courses and maintaining active research laboratories. Distinguished Penn faculty members Dr. Marsha Lester of Chemistry, Dr. Andrea Liu of Physics, and Dr. David Raizen of Neurology successfully navigate these challenges, leading ground-breaking programs of research while also teaching undergraduate and graduate courses at Penn. In this panel discussion-based workshop, Drs. Lester, Liu, and Raizen will reflect on their experiences and discuss how to successfully balance teaching and research in the sciences. This workshop will be especially valuable to graduate students and postdocs interested in improving their own balance between the laboratory and classroom, and those who aspire to faculty positions in academic science.
March 14 2019, 4:30 pm to 6:00 pm
CTL/OLI Seminar Room, Van Pelt Library Room 134
Please RSVP here to participate in this discussion!
Contact askelson@sas.upenn.edu or placekk@pennmedicine.upenn.edu for more information.
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