We are pleased to announce that registration is now open for Virtual Cores Day on September 30th, 2021!
Held from 10am-2pm, the annual Cores Day event is a joint venture with CHOP, PSOM and Wistar, a platform effort to showcase the many outstanding biomedical research resources and services available throughout our campus. This event is an opportunity for students, faculty, and staff to interface with a multitude of research core facilities via informational presentations and live chats.
New this year, our event will be held via the PheedLoop event management platform, with an aim to enrich and enhance the Cores Day experience for participants and attendees.
Please click here for free registration, and be sure to check out the Cores Day website for event updates.
We hope to see you on Thursday, September 30th!
Please send any questions to April Weakley (aweakley@pennmedicine.upenn.edu).

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