What happens if an uncommon disease all of a sudden becomes much more common in the Philadelphia area? How do we respond? How do we communicate this to the public? What happens when you lose the public’s trust?
PennDemic is an annual interprofessional education (IPE) simulation that invites students from across both UPenn and USciences who are interested in learning more about disaster and emergency preparedness to participate. PennDemic brings teams of students together to address issues that could arise during an emergency situation.
Details for this year’s event can be found below:
- What: PennDemic
- Where: Virtual Event via Zoom
- When: Saturday, October 9th, 2021, 1-5 pm
Applications are due September 24th, and the application and more details can be found at the following website: www.vet.upenn.edu/penndemic. Contact Dr. Hillary Nelson (hnelson@pennmedicine.upenn.edu) with any questions.