Stay up-to-date with with the growing body of nanotechnology literature with Nano, Penn Libraries’ newly acquired resource. Nano allows users to search for detailed information on patents, spec sheets about different nanomaterials and their properties, applications, toxicity, and preparation methods of thousands of nanomaterials and devices. Please reach out to with any questions!
36th Annual MINS UnRetreat Symposium Year of Brain Science Technology
Join the Mahoney Institute for Neurosciences online on April 28th beginning at 9AM for the all-day MINS Year of Brain Science Technology UnRetreat! Guest speakers include, Polina Anikeeva from MIT, Tony Zador from Cold Spring Harbor, and Michael Yartsev from UC Berkeley.
There will be mini symposia on recording/imaging and behavior with Penn faculty speakers, and parallel sessions with short talks. If you are at UPenn, please submit an abstract for short talk sessions. Submissions are open immediately as part of event signup.
The UnRetreat will also feature a “Brain Buddies” matchmaking program that will match registrants with others who have shared interests for future interaction. Regardless where you are, please submit an abstract for one-on-one matching.
Please sign up here (this is also where the meeting will happen and where all talks will be available afterwards):
DBEI/CCEB COVID-19 Population Sciences Journal Club virtual session
The PSOM community is invited to join the next COVID-19 Population Sciences Journal Club virtual session.
Michael Z. Levy, PhD and Arman Oganisian, PhD candidate in Biostatistics, will lead a discussion of Estimating the number of infections and the impact of non-pharmaceutical interventions on COVID-19 in 11 European countries this Wednesday, April 15th 9:00-10:00AM EST.
Call-in instructions are outlined below. You can also watch the recording of last week’s session! Please contact Sue White with any questions.
Attendees should join with BlueJeans:
- Connect to the Meeting from a Computer or Device (video, audio & presentation):
- Connect to the Meeting for Audio ONLY:
Phone: 1.866.226.4650
Meeting ID: 239450016
Dr. John Holmes, “Update on the COVID-19 Situation in Italy and Beyond”
Join the Penn Center for Global Health on Thursday, April 16th, 2020 from 11am-12pm EST for a webinar with John H. Holmes, PhD, FACE, FACMI, Professor of Medical Informatics in Epidemiology who is currently on sabbatical at the University of Pavia in Pavia, Lombardy, Italy. Dr. Holmes will discuss the COVID-19 pandemic as it has evolved in Italy and in Europe as a whole, highlighting testing, containment, and mitigation polices in Italy as compared with other countries around the world.
More info and options to join the call available here.
Complimentary 1-year Membership to the New York Academy of Sciences
To support your professional and career development, Perelman School of Medicine will sponsor interested graduate students, postdocs and faculty for complimentary 1-year Membership to the New York Academy of Sciences. For over 200 years, the Academy has helped scientists, engineers, and innovators pursue successful careers.
We’re committed to our mission to providing premier scientific content and career development resources during these challenging times. As an Academy Member, you’ll benefit from free or discounted access to:
Career Readiness Training: online courses, webinars and other career resources to help you acquire the skills you’ll need to succeed in a STEM-related field
Cutting Edge Content: digital access to our publications and eBriefings.
Networking & Resume Building: opportunities to present your research, apply intensive leadership training, become a mentor, and connect with other Members from our global Membership network, using an online Directory.
Upcoming Webinars & Programs: in an effort to support global initiatives to contain the spread of COVID-19, the Academy is presenting Spring 2020 events through online platforms and some of our previously scheduled events are being postponed to a later date. Please check our events listing for the latest information. For our programs and resources on COVID-19, click here
Virtual Info Session/Networking Event – April 16, 2020 5pm
While it may feel harder to connect with employers and alumni to explore career options in our current environment, there are still virtual employer information sessions happening through Career Services that can be effective networking and information gathering events to help you move towards your next career opportunity.
Healthcare Consultancy Group
Virtual Information Session/Networking Event
Thursday, April 16th 2020
5:00 pm – 6:30 pm
Meeting Dial-In: 646-558-8656
Meeting ID: 585 817 327
Password: 835206
If you are interested in science communication and medical writing, and want to know what opportunities exist, what skills and experiences are sought after, and what you can be doing to position yourself as an exciting candidate for these roles, then please participate in this info session.
Healthcare Consultancy Group (HCG) is a global group of scientifically rigorous healthcare communications agencies, including:
- Chameleon Communications International ( New York, NY; Iselin, NJ; Los Angeles, CA
- Health Science Communications ( New York, NY; Iselin, NJ
- ProEd Communications ( Beachwood, OH, Princeton, NJ
- The Scienomics Group ( Stamford, CT; New York, NY; San Francisco, CA
- Synergy ( Philadelphia PA
Our medical and scientific teams, comprised of accomplished PhDs and MDs, translate complex science into impactful and meaningful communications for our clients. We are seeking scientists interested in a career in Medical Communications to join HCG as a Medical & Scientific Associate.
Please RSVP and/or submit resumes using #HCGUP to: Daniel Kiely, Director of Talent Acquisition
See information attached for joining this virtual session, and additional information here: