Tuesday, 20th October, 12-5pm
Register here: https://upenn.joinhandshake.com/career_fairs/15528
Participate in this fair if you are:
- Looking for internships
- Looking for full-time opportunities
- Exploring your future career options
- Looking for easy networking opportunities with representatives from different employers who are interested in graduate students/postdocs
- Excited to attend employer info sessions to learn more about their current and future hiring practices and opportunities
- Curious about the skills you need to develop at Penn that make you a good fit for future roles
- At any point in your academic program or postdoc!
You must register and schedule your attendance at group sessions or specific 1-on-1 video chats with employers before the event starts on the 20th October. Watch this recorded workshop on how to navigate through the Handshake virtual career fair experience: https://youtu.be/-ARh4EHOb94. You will need to complete your Handshake profile to take full advantage of the 1-on-1 sessions. Find details on how to set up your profile here: https://support.joinhandshake.com/hc/en-us/articles/360049934274. Groups sessions are especially helpful for career exploration and information gathering.
If you run into any challenges with signing up for sessions or 1-on-1s after reading this article, then please feel free to email: Dr. Joseph Barber (barberjo@upenn.edu).
Take a look at the most up-to-date list of employers here: https://upenn.joinhandshake.com/career_fairs/15528. You can find a list of employers grouped by broad industry/career field below, but take the opportunity to explore each employer and their opportunities further as they have diverse opportunities that span across industry and career-field categories. Many of these employers still have availability for 1-on-1 sessions (marked with a *) in addition to the numerous groups sessions you can attend for the majority of employers. These 1-on-1 sessions are scheduled on a first come, first served basis. Schedule yours today!