Come learn Data Science using Python in a fun, beginner-friendly environment!
Key Dates:
- Introductory meeting and course overview
When: Tuesday, June 9th, 3:30PM – 5:00PM
Where: BlueJeans - (Optional) CodeAcademy course for those without any background programming in python
When: June 9th – July 7th
Weekly office hours will be hosted
Where: BlueJeans - 6 lectures on data analysis using python
When: Tuesdays, July 7th – August 11th, 3:30PM – 5:00PM
Where: BlueJeans
This Python Data Science Bootcamp is a free workshop designed to help scientists in the biological and biomedical sciences gain basic Python skills required for applications in data science. No prior programming experience is required. Using Python, we will cover the core programming concepts needed to perform basic data analysis, with an emphasis on common problems in biology. By the end, we hope you will feel comfortable using Python to analyze your own data!
The course will begin with an optional semi-supervised completion of a Python course on CodeAcademy designed to get students comfortable with the basics of python at their own pace. Students completing this portion will be assisted via online office hours where they can receive help from GCB students. While completing the CodeAcademy course is strongly encouraged, if you feel confident in your basic Python abilities and are more interested in the applied lectures, this is not strictly required.
The CodeAcademy portion will be followed by 6 weekly lectures by our TAs on using Python to perform common data science tasks. Lectures will be accompanied by programming exercises. There will also be an active online Q&A forum where you can get help throughout the classes.
Note that if you have to miss a class or are not able to attend at all, lectures will be posted, and you can still participate with the Q&A forum.
Register for the classes using the form below (Deadline: June 7th):
Piazza Sign up Instructions!
- Go to piazza.com/upenn/summer2020/programmingbootcamp
- Be sure to use your Penn email to get access
If you are interested in being a TA, or have questions, please email:
Ben (benauer@pennmedicine.upenn.edu)
Programming Bootcamp is sponsored by the Genomics & Computational Biology (GCB) graduate program.