More details are available on our website:
- IRACDA@UCLA is a research and teaching postdoctoral fellowship program at UCLA funded by NIH with fellowship support up of to three years of postdoctoral salary
- The program combines a traditional bioscience research-focused postdoc training with training in teaching and professional development directed towards a faculty career
- Fellows receive teaching training and experience focused on undergraduates underrepresented in STEM education
- We can help match applicants with UCLA faculty mentors for their research training
- Participation in this program makes fellows more attractive candidates for faculty positions
Why choose IRACDA@UCLA?
- UCLA is top research university with stellar resources and training
- 60% of our former trainees successfully landed tenure-eligible faculty positions; 100% are in rewarding careers in bioscience research or teaching
- Fellows have a built-in community and receive support and mentorship throughout their postdoc and beyond
- Favorably located at beautiful West Los Angeles
We have funded positions open and will be hosting an online information session on February 6th 2024 at 10AM PST. The scholars can scan the QR code in the flyer or use the sign up link HERE

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